Corporations today must do more than sell products and services to build a strong reputation. Customers, employees, investors and others expect them to articulate what they stand for and reinforce their values when taking a stand on important issues.
A corporate story that resonates with stakeholders is authentic and reflects business practices. It also has the right tone and the right words.
Axis PR helps organisations across a range of industries to develop and deliver public relations programmes to enhance their reputation and build trust with target audiences.
Areas of expertise: Executive profiling, thought leadership, corporate & social responsibility and stakeholder engagement.

How organisations respond to crises, issues and incidents will be judged by others and will therefore have an impact on your reputation. A lukewarm or negative response by customers, regulators and/or other stakeholders could test the viability your business.
Axis PR can help you to move onto the front foot to manage issues as they arise and plan for likely scenarios.
Faced with a crisis, the best thing to do is stay calm and tell the truth. Don't speculate, establish the facts, get them out and get it over!
Specific services include:
- Preparing crisis management plans
- Q&A for crisis response
- Media relations
- 24/7 crisis support
- Spokesperson training

A tectonic shift in society’s expectations is putting pressure on all organisations to act responsibly and sustainably against a backdrop of global warming, species loss, pollution, disease, inequality and changing social norms.
It makes sense, therefore, that what companies do to address these issues has a big impact on their reputation.
At Axis PR, we advise clients how to showcase what they are doing to be good corporate citizens. This includes integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives into their corporate story.
Areas of expertise: Strategy to align sustainability and business goals, ESG communication, community engagement and sustainability reports.

Informative and timely financial updates enhance a company's ability to attract and retain investors and raise capital. They are are closely watched by the market and are part of an organisation’s corporate story.
From annual reports to disclosures about financial transactions, Axis PR works with clients to ensure the financial community is provided with enough information to make informed investment decisions. We also provide public relations and marketing services to start-up companies and assist in raising capital for early-stage kiwi deep-tech ventures.
Areas of expertise: Investor relations, initial public offering (IPO) and listing communications, corporate transaction strategy, mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
Affiliate company:
Pacific Channel

Building a positive media profile presents unique challenges in that the news media cannot be controlled — they determine whether stories pitched to them are of interest to their audiences.
An ability to identify ‘news’ and to develop compelling content is therefore necessary if organisations are to gain positive media coverage without paying for it directly through advertising.
With experienced journalists on our team, we work with our established network of reporters, editors and producers to ensure client stories are read, seen and heard.
Areas of expertise: Storytelling, ‘news’, media liaison.

A high-performance website educates, engages and entertains audiences with riveting stories. Great content in all forms helps buyers, clients, investors and others to understand an organisation, what it does and what it has to offer.
Key words and phrases that match those used in a search ensure a website can be found by Google and other search engines.
Axis PR partners with clients to break through the noise online by telling stories in the ways people want to read, hear or watch them. ‘Content is king’ whether it is website copy, blogs, videos or photography.
Areas of expertise: Copywriting, website design and real-time content.

Social media is different to mainstream media in that it gives people the unprecedented ability to connect with others directly and in real-time. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and WeChat are therefore incredibly powerful when they are the preferred channels used by target audiences.
Axis PR integrates social media into public relations programmes to ensure clients are seen and found by the right people, in the right places.
Areas of expertise: Copywriting, blogging and channel strategy.

Conducting business in Chinese is a challenge for Kiwi exporters and companies targeting Chinese speakers in New Zealand.
Axis PR provides a Chinese translation service and through an affiliate company in Hong Kong we advise clients on business strategy and market entry into mainland China.
Our experience helping firms to communicate in Chinese sets us apart from other public relations companies.
We also have experience working with clients in South Korea and Japan and have associations with public relations firms in these markets.
Areas of expertise: Chinese translation, public relations, brand awareness and market entry strategy and tactics.

Axis PR's approach to public relations planning involves:
- Objective setting
- Audience identification
- Creative development
- Messaging
- Strategy
- Tactics
- Measurement

Government entities need partners who can set the right public relations strategy and craft messages that resonate with their audiences.
Our team draws on decades of experience working in government and politics to counsel clients on communication through the media, digital channels and directly with stakeholders.
We have been appointed to the New Zealand Government Consultancy Services panel NZGCS and are available to work with government entities seeking support from public relations professionals with government sector experience.
Areas of expertise: Public affairs, stakeholder engagement, media relations, regulatory and legislative initiatives.